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Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  It's Time to Order from Manchester Locally Grown Farmers' Market

Manchester Locally Grown online farmers’ market is now open for ordering. Here are some of the current highlights at the market:

  • Frontier Family Farm green leaf and green oakleaf lettuces, cucumbers, and sweet green peppers.

  • White City Produce and Greenhouses vegetables – green beans, peppers, pickling cucumbers, eggplant, mixed greens, okra, onions, summer squash, zucchini, and tomatoes.

  • Solace Farm beets, carrots, several types of garlic, chicken and duck eggs, and herbal products

  • Doorstep Bakery French Sourdough bread and “Mad Hatter” jams

  • Little Raven Woodworks handmade toys

  • Dogwood Valley Greenhouse perennial, fern, and herb plants

  • Steve’s Bees local honey

  • Brooks Girls Cookie Creation and Debbie’s Delites baked goods

  • Casey Family Farm creamline milk

  • Triple B Farms herbal products

  • Check out descriptions of all of this week’s offerings here.

    • PLEASE do not write out your checks ahead of your market pickup. Growers can sometimes remove items at the last minute, affecting your invoice. Please wait until your total is established at market.
    • If you do not receive an order confirmation within 5 minutes, your order has NOT been placed in the system. Try logging back in and see if there is anything in your cart. If so, press the Place Your Order button; then you should receive an e-mail to confirm the order. E-MAIL OR CALL US at (931) 273-9708 if the problem persists so you will not be disappointed on market day.

    Take a look at our offerings and support your friends and neighbors who produce these quality items on their own farms. Remember: ordering will close on Wednesday at 10 a.m.

    (L to R)
    Baby mocassins from Solace Farm; Organic, gluten-free cookies in several varieties from Brooks Girls Cookie Creation; Orange reblooming daylily and Japanese tassel fern from Dogwood Valley Greenhouse; Fresh sage from Solace Farm.

    We’ll see you for pickup of your order on Thursday between 3:00 and 4:30 at Square Books, 113 E Main, Manchester. We can also hold your order in the refrigerator for you till Friday morning, if that’s more convenient for you. Just call (931) 273-9708 if you prefer to utilize this free service. Square Books will be open on Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    Thanks so much for your support of Manchester Locally Grown Market, all of our growers, local food, and our right to eat it. Please encourage our local farmers by helping to spread the word about our wonderful market to everyone you know. Nothing makes a farmer more excited than seeing new customers on the market!

    ~ Linda

    Here is the complete list for this week.

    How to contact us:

    On Facebook
    By e-mail
    By phone: (931) 273-9708
    On Thursdays: Here’s a map. .

    Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville :  "Bits and Bites" September 20, 2014

    For Chrome users or plain text users,
    you will find this easier to read and be able to see pictures if you go to the Market and choose Weblog …it’s easier on the eyes!

    Greetings Crossfit / Lawrenceville Market Members:

    I hope this finds you all well and enjoying the weekend with family and/or friends!

    Please get your orders in before 9:00pm Time TONIGHT!

    Market Update

    In the past Farmers/Growers had to deliver their items on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to accommodate each of the Heirloom Living Market pickup locations. I also spent 3 full days preparing for each Market in addition to the hours spent doing the back-office chores. Moving to the Mountains required a change in the operational model. The Farmers/Growers now can ‘make the rounds’ to all of the Markets on one day! Thankfully, Volunteer Coordinators have stepped up to oversee the Markets and I will be available to help out a bit at each of the Markets.

    Lauren Stephens will coordinate the Crossfit O-Zone / Lawrenceville Market. Please put her phone number in your contact list so if you have any issues on Market day you can contact Lauren directly.

    Lauren Stephens 678-622-8508

    Crossfit O-Zone/ The Lawrenceville Market pickup is between 4:30 and 6:30pm on Thursday. If you are unable to pickup during this time frame, please let Lauren know. Since this location has ‘permanent space’, alternate arrangements are possible, but you will need to let her know that is your intention!

    Market will close at 9:00pm Sunday for the Crossfit Market!

    A Few Volunteers Still Needed

    We are still in need of Volunteers to help with the setup of Market. Our Market Members are a community of folks who want nutrient-dense, fresh, clean food and are dedicated to eating local and supporting our Farmers and Growers. It is necessary to work as a community to continue to bring you the products you shop for each week. Please consider helping out at Market for an hour or two at least ONE Thursday each month. Duties will include: Receiving deliveries from Farmers and Growers; ensuring items are distributed correctly to each order; packaging individual meat items in bags and labeling with Member name; general setup of display items and assisting Lauren as needed. Volunteer hours are anytime between 2:00pm and 7:00pm on Thursday.

    If you are interested in helping out at the Market, please contact Market Volunteer Coordinator, Chance Claar-Pressley. Thank you Chance! You can email Chance at .

    Our Farmers, Growers and Producers have been very good to us; delivering orders even when there were only one or two items for the Market. The upside has been that rarely do we NOT receive items because it was not ‘cost effective’ for a Farmer to bring it to Market. The downside has been for the Farmers/Growers/Producers who have made the effort but spent more in their time and gas then the product was worth. In other words they lost money serving our needs.

    I have worked to increase Market growth in the past and will continue my efforts via more listings on various internet sites. Word of Mouth advertising by our current Members is the best way to grow the Market. The effort of the Farmers, Coordinators, Market Manager and Volunteers at present far outweigh the benefits. Please do your part and pass on information about the Market to friends, family, neighbors and co-workers.

    Several of our Farmers/Producers are not in the immediate area and it is not feasible for them to continue delivering if it is not cost effective for them.

    Sam Jones of Cedar Rock Dairy is in Butler, Georgia. Because I believe the milk from Sam’s all Jersey, tested A2, closed herd is the best milk from a taste as well as a nutritional standpoint, I certainly do not want to give up this valuable resource. For reasons that I am unable to determine, our milk orders have decreased recently. The cost of Sam’s milk is competitive with other Farmers providing Raw Milk for Pet Consumption. The quality is unequaled! Share the Market with others so we can continue to support Cedar Rock Dairy and drink great milk!

    Dabrielle and Bruce Wills of My Daily Bread travel from Cleveland, Georgia to bring us their delicious organic bakery offerings. Could I find a more ‘local’ organic bakery? To be honest – I have tried. The quality of products, price and commitment of others has not measured up to the standards of the Market that have always been exceeded by My Daily Bread. Going forward, this is a small family run bakery, whose products reflect their passion and commitment to providing nutrient-dense, organic and delicious fare must have a minimum order to continue with the Market.

    If minimums are not met and you have ordered items, you will receive an email letting you know that your items cannot be delivered. Perhaps we will make items available on an every-other-week schedule if orders continue to fall below minimum. Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!

    Farmer Updates

    Shalley of Carrell Farms has let me know that the ‘Chubs’ of Ground Water Buffalo will NOT be available for several more weeks. Last week folks who ordered a pound of Ground Water Buffalo received a pound of Ground Water Buffalo Patties instead of the ‘Chub’ (packaged roll). This is the same product as the ground, just in different form and packaging.

    Vicky Steve Fry of Fry Farm have no offerings on Market this week. Vicky’s Father had back surgery. Please keep him and the Fry Family in your prayers.


    Several people have asked about Turkey. I am working to find a local source for our Holiday Turkeys and will have more information in next week’s Newsletter. We will have a sign-up sheet for folks who are interested in finding out more about availability at Market this week. Be sure and let us know you are interested. Typically Farmers ask for a deposit, ranging from $25 – $35 when orders are placed. This amount will be paid directly to the Farmer supplying the Turkeys.

    …this and that…

    The Black Lab has claimed the property as his own! Since there are no ‘leash laws’ here, the sight of dogs meandering down the road behind the house has un-nerved him a bit; but he has let them know that venturing beyond the middle will not be tolerated! (Keep in mind, the yard is fenced!) The biggest issue seems to be the family of cats who live across the street and wander into our yard at night. Due to his history with a very aggressive barn cat when he was a puppy, he has a strong dislike for felines and the yard is scoured every morning to ensure only their scent remains. I shudder at the thought of what will happen if he catches a cat in the yard. So far daylight finds no cats on the property. There are horses and cattle nearby and their calls to each other have him cocking his head and listening intently. Given his affinity for horses and ability as an escape artist, I keep a pretty close eye on him when we are out in the yard! All things considered, he is doing well.

    As I begin to unpack and settle in my new home, I continue to marvel at the circumstances that have brought me to this new adventure in my life. I am joyful to awaken to fresh mountain air, gorgeous sights and a sense of peace that had eluded me for some time. The prayers of all of you “Prayer Warriors” truly interceded on my behalf and God blessed me with a beautiful place to call home, friends who assisted in getting me packed up, organized and moved and who continue to encourage me and support me as I make this transition. I am humbled and eternally grateful for His blessings and your love and support.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of information!

    Please know that we appreciate the support of Crossfit O-Zone Gym for the use of the great spaces for Market. We are grateful for you and for your support of our dedicated, LOCAL Farmers/Growers and Artisans.

    Please “Like” us on Facebook and please share the Market with family and friends!

    Market will close at 9:00pm Sunday for the Crossfit Market!
    Market will close at 6:00pm Monday for the Hamilton Mill Market!
    Market will close at 6:00pm Monday for the Lilburn Market!

    Order now since you are just a click way!

    Happy shopping!

    Take me to the Lilburn Market
    Take me to the Crossfit Market

    Take me to the Hamilton Mill Market

    BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!

    South Cumberland Farmer's Market:  Time to Order Local Food!

    It’s time to order from the Cumberland Farmers’ Market
    click here to go directly to the marketpage

    To Contact Us

    Cumberland ’s Market
    931-592-3399 (no voice mail)


    Market News

    Before we know it, the holidays will be upon us. It’s time to start thinking about holiday gifts and what you would like to see offered by the market. Please e-mail us your “wish lists” and we’ll see what our vendors can do!
    After October 28th, the market, will no longer be offering home delivery if a replacement driver(s) cannot be found. Linda and Kir are discussing options for current delivery customers. If you or someone you know may be interested in delivering to customers in Monteagle or Sewanee, please call Linda at 931-592-8384.
    Don’t forget…
    If you do not receive an order confirmation within 5 minutes, your order has NOT been placed in the system. E-MAIL OR CALL US to get the problem solved so you will not be disappointed on market day.
    If you have any questions, please call (931.592.3399, no voice mail) or e-mail ( us.

    Kir Strobel & Linda Boynton
    Market Co-Managers


    There is plenty more available so take your time and check out the whole list.

    Click here to browse the whole list.

    Coming Events

    Keep up to date with the CFM by visiting our organization’s blog. or our Facebook Page .

    We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

    Naples,FL:  Market will close tonite Please get your orders in

    Please take time to place your order.

    Carolina Foothills, SC:  Use your Device!

    Hey there folks!

    Did you know that you can order from your smart phone or pads just by clicking on the above address. Ordering made easy without being on your computer.

    Easy for our growers to update product offerings as well! This is unique to this site and Awesome!

    Eat Well,

    Marantha ( volunteer )

    Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  Northeast Georgia Locallygrown Availability list for Sept. 19

    Good Evening Locavores
    Your Locallygrown market is open for orders. What a great opportunity to excercise your right to choose and enjoy fresh healthy food.
    As you shop for your favorites you may also want to try some new and different.
    Have a great and safe weekend.

    Statesboro Market2Go:  The market is open!

    Don’t forget Farm Heritage Day tomorrow at Hunter Cattle, 10:00 am until 6:00 pm, the Main Street Statesboro Farmers Market tomorrow morning, and get your tickets for the site tour and elegant dinner at Southern Native Plantings (order tickets here) on October 4.

    Happy shopping!

    Carolina Foothills, SC:  Market Info


    I have gotten some requests to add the market site ID so here you go,

    Happy shopping,


    Carolina Foothills, SC:  THE MARKET IS OPEN!

    Hello All,

    The market is open so please take some time this weekend to look through at all there is.

    Happy Shopping,



    Come see us at WholeFoods Augusta today!! So grateful to be their first nonprofit beneficiary in the CSRA. Donations will support our teaching gardens in both Richmond and Columbia counties.

    See you all at the markets!