The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Champaign, OH:  We Are Golden!!

So, with just over an hour to go in this week’s market, I would like to announce that we have now shattered our previous all time high of a record that was set back in late winter!!!

We have a bit of time left…I wonder what will still happen???

Your market managers are amazed, in awe, and so PROUD of all of you, both customers and vendors!!!

Will be back for Last Call, in a bit…

Peace and Love,
Cosmic Pam

ALFN Local Food Club:  Howdya Like Dem Apples?

Take a gander at the fruit section of The Market and you’ll notice we have apples available. Lots and lots of apples. Over 250 pounds of apples in a handful of varieties, and they all could be yours by the end of this week. You may be wondering what one would do with such a plethora, but there are endless delicious and creative ways to enjoy what may in fact be the most versatile fruit.

Aside from simply eating them out of hand, you can be a traditionalist and bake the perfect pie, stimmer a sensational sauce, or bottle the best cider. But human kind cannot live on pie alone, or so I’ve heard. Luckily, apples can be a show-stealing ingredient for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They can infuse your soups, salads, and sides with that classic autumn essence. And, of course, there are plenty of ways to preserve them.

So even if your plans don’t include bobbing or carameling, stock up on apples before The Market closes and you may never have to see a doctor again.

-Rebecca Wild
Program Manager

Do you have questions or comments about this, or any, weblog? Thoughts on local food, goods, or events? Reply to this email and let us know what’s on your mind. Your feedback is always greatly appreciated!

Statesboro Market2Go:  Be sure to place your order!

Be sure to place your order tonight. More veggies are available!

Champaign, OH:  Don't Go Back To Rockville

Looking at your watch a third time… waiting in the station for the bus…
Going to a place that’s far, so far… away and if that’s not enough…
Going where nobody says hello, they… don’t talk to anybody they don’t know…
(Don’t Go Back To Rockville-REM)

In college, I began a love of early REM. When they were alt/indie/rock. I listened to their first two albums, over and over and over. I have friends, now, from Georgia, who were lucky enough, in the early days, to sit in pool halls and obscure clubs and listen to the beginnings of REM.

Anyway, by the time I was listening to them, I had entered my later years in college. I was dabbling in a minor for my major. I was holed up in the building that housed the journalism, broadcast, media arts students. Serious times. I fell in love with broadcast journalism and started listening and learning and going to programs at an old, run down, historic hotel, in our college town.

I was new to the broadcast department, and it was a total boys club. They sort of just brushed me off, didn’t want to help me, thought they were so cool and smug. The professor took me under his wing and placed a bet with the boys. He bet them that I would kick all of their butts by the end of the semester and that I would get a B in his class.

It was probably the WORST time of my college career. But…I continued. I just kept going to class even though they were all so against the girl who entered their world. I went in, late at night, and sat with the sound guy who worked with me and showed me the ropes of the studio.

At the old hotel, I talked about, the boys all hung out, lived in the upstairs rooms and drank whiskey down in the old bar. I was determined to crack their code. Be one of them. Even if they ignored me. Even if they didn’t want me around. Even if they didn’t want to help me.

I continued to show up at their after hours club. I listened to their radio/television talk. I learned to sip whiskey just like they did. I continued to work hard. Study hard. I called my grandfather, on a regular basis. He told me not to whine, not to back down, and to find something that I could take to them that would impress and make them take a bit of notice at what I had to offer. Use your head, he said.

So, one night, I showed up with my music. I produced the REM cassettes. I talked them into putting them into the old sound system. Silence. A bit of respect. A new taking notice from them. We talked music. We sipped whiskey. We started making plans for our semester projects.

I ended the semester with a B:) My semester project was a short story all set to REM tunes, including this song. It was about a girl, looking for her path, her road, and explored different stages of her life. The ending was pretty dramatic but I will keep it a secret as to what it was…

Because, this all ties into this little market of love. Once upon a time, this market was not wanted, not believed in, made to work hard, needed everyone to take notice, had no clue if we would fail or pass. Now look at us…much like me, the girl in the boys club, we have worked, worked, worked…promoted, gathered vendors, begged people to give us a chance, proved ourselves, and now look…..tonight, we are on the edge of breaking our best record yet.

Let this tale of my college class, this market, my grandfather, and just plain hard work, be an inspiration…

Just go out and make it all happen. It’s not easy but once it all comes together, it’s the best feeling there is.

You have three hours before I close the market, tonight! Please consider placing your orders…help us on the never ending journey to keep proving ourselves.

Peace and Love,
Cosmic Pam

South Cumberland Farmer's Market:  Mushrooms Today!

In Town Organics will have extra Shiitake mushrooms at market today from between 4 and 6 pm. First come, first served.

Republican Valley Produce:  Greetings from RVP online Farmers Market


I know it has been a long time and you probably thought you would never be able to order produce online again. Well we are getting ready to start up again this November. We do have some changes for our online market. The biggest change is we will only be doing a drop off in CLAY CENTER. Also due to time constraints and fuel prices, we will no longer offer delivery to Manhattan and we will be the only vendor in our market. We will be attending the Winter Market in Manhattan, so you will still be able to get our produce there.

Linda and I haven’t “Ironed” out all the details yet, but we will be working on those this week. Be on the lookout for more information coming soon.

We just wanted to let you know that we will be planning on opening up the market in November.

Any questions, please send me an email at

South Cumberland Farmer's Market:  Extra Mushrooms!

In Town Organics will have extra Shiitake mushrooms at market today from between 4 and 6 pm. First come, first served.

Russellville Community Market:  RCM Order Reminder

Hey everyone! Just a quick reminder that we’ll be closing for orders tonight at 10:00 p.m. Get your orders in soon!

Happy ordering!

We hope to see you on Thursday for the market pick-up!

Check out our Facebook page for great info on local foods issues and upcoming events.
Be sure to click on the “Like” button at the top of the Facebook page to get automatic updates. Thanks!

Russellville Community Market

Plattsburgh Online Ordering:  Asgaard caramels available

Caitlin just added Sea Salt and Vanilla Bean Caramels back into the online ordering. Freshly made (they got wiped out at the Essex County Cheese Tour). Ordering open until 9 tonight.

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  Just a Short Time Left to Order!

Please remember to place your market order very soon. This week’s market will close for ordering at 10 a.m. tomorrow (Wednesday), for delivery fresh from local farms on Thursday.

What good eating, so easily available on our online market! Don’t forget all our eggs, summer fruits & vegetables, local honey, jams and bread! Please note that we have bread from two new bakeries, also including jam from one of them, and lots of new pork products!

We also have a great selection of perennial plants & hanging baskets, herbal & handmade products. Now is a great time to plant perennial plants for spring color.

Pickup will be at Square Books, 113 E. Main St, Manchester, from 3:00-4:30 on Thursday. Please e-mail me at, or call (931) 273-9708 if you would prefer to pick up on Friday morning between 10 am and 1 pm.

Thanks for your orders last week! Please encourage your local friends and family to shop with us and support local farmers!

Here is the complete list for this week. See you on Thursday!

~ Linda

How to contact us:
On Facebook
By e-mail
By phone: (931) 273-9708
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.